This was a really weird way to get introduced to a fanfic. I just went down the rabbit hole (no pun intender) after I looked for context online about this. It's actually a really decent comic series: it has decent writing and it doesn't suffer much from cringe, horny, shojun hackney writing. The only thing it had which made it controversial is the abortion topic. The thing is though, it handled the subject in a mature way, only it was just placed in a zootopia setting.
I've gone through the trouble and rifled through the trash that is the comment sections of deviantart, youtube, reddit, the zootopia fan site. What the general discourse can be summed up in is this:
- it's mainly people talking about abortion and relationships themselves rather than the comic or its story.
- There would be people going on tangents discussing the intricacies of the characters behavior in the movie vs how they're portrayed in the comic... how inconsistent their personalities are between the 2 (movie and comic).
- Another thing to note is that a lot of people were taking a dump on the writing STYLE, like for example the dialogue, the actions Judy was taking being overdramatic, Nick being too reactionary and blah blah blah, basically boiling down to character motivations making little sense.
My 2 cents on this is that the writing is good for the dialogue in specific when IT'S COMBINED with the emotional expressiveness of the characters' faces and body language. It's naturalistic which is a very hard quality to attain in either art but more so in writing, I love it. For example I found Judy to be excellently portrayed with how emotive she was physically, actually displaying her desperation for each written sentence. Maybe the overall story doesn't make sense but I didn't rate it as a professional story. It's a fanfic. Besides, it's a condensed mini story with no prequel or context. So it should be judged as a fanfic.
Last thing, I'm stunned that barely anyone in the comment sections who didn't like the comic itself for its themes, didn't comment about the art style or how strong it was. The characters' design were faithful to their original designs, but the skillful lighting, the backgrounds, the perspectives, the emotiveness in body language and facial expressions were what was so impressive. "I Will Survive" is a really good case study of how technical skill can be overlooked entirely if people don't like the story or the writing on a personal level.